My Perpetual Swayer

Silence reigned indecisiveness & doubts

Her supposedly golden era became mine protracted palaver

The time acted her messenger

Making me realize her extent of reign

She ruled

The conquer………..

The reconciliation………

The peace…………..

The smile…………..

& eventually the desire to be enveloped in those wings of tranquility

slowly receded in her kingdom.

But one feeling persists like that unattended wound

& it remains unfettered of her healing grasp.

The feeling of not being true to the mirage,

Which simply lets itself in like an unannounced guest;

Every time I attach myself to reality

& for those eras of moments I realize the deception of aura of ruler

Coz all world’s anger, pain ,hatred, despair & disbelief rushes in,

In those quenching moments.

The unheard scream killing queen’s subjects.

Realizing that I have to live those lives of helplessness all over again………….

& the queen again stayed in disguise.